Mulgrave Landcare Current Projects
Reef Assist 2.3 Project
January 2023 to Current
Wet Tropics Wetland and Cane Drainage Water Quality Treatment Systems
We are working in partnership with Greening Australia, the Madjandji Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, landholders and other stakeholders to repair and revegetate wetlands and cane drainage systems at three sites in the Mulgrave catchment, to deliver improved Reef water quality.
The project aims to share learnings about the ability of revegetated cane drains and wetlands to reduce dissolved inorganic nitrogen and sediment run-off. The restoration works will also create habitat for threatened species, control listed weeds, and store carbon.
At the end of May 2024, this Reef Assist 2.0 project has delivered 3.3 ha of wetland area revegetated, 9,482 native plant species planted, and 12,071 seedlings potted up in the Gordonvale nursery by community volunteers.
The re-planting of trees lost due to the post Cyclone Jasper floods is a big priority at the moment.
The Wet Tropics Mulgrave Reef Assist 2.3 project is funded through the Queensland Government's Reef Water Quality Program and delivered by Greening Australia, Mulgrave Landcare and the Madjandji Aboriginal Corporation.
Ross Rd, Deeral, Revegetation and Assisted Regeneration project in partnership with Greening Australia and the Cairns Regional Council.
2017 – 2022
Figtree Wetland shallow lagoon construction, revegetation & revegetation of connecting corridors. This tree planting project is a partnership between Mulgrave Landcare and Greening Australia supported by the Australian Government Reef Trust, the Accor Hotels Group & Sukin. It is part of Greening Australia’s Reef Aid program to improve water quality on the Great Barrier Reef, and Mulgrave Landcare’s core business of connecting biodiversity corridors throughout the Mulgrave Catchment.
2018 – Current
National Landcare Environment Small Grant – planting 2000 trees on Davidson Creek
2017 – 18 Projects
Stockland Care Grant – McDonnell Creek state School Bush Tucker, Bird and Butterfly Garden
Qld Government’s Community – Sustainability Action Grant – Figtree Corridor
Terrain NRM Community Grant – Hemming’s Creek project. A partnership project between Terrain NRM, Dulabed Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation and Gordonvale State School. Restoring a weedy drain into a creek for residents to enjoy.
2013/16 PROJECT
“Biodiversity Fund”
Yes! We got it!
Under the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Future plan, approximately $1.7 billion of revenue raised by the carbon price will be reinvested in the land sector over the next six years.
One element of the Land Sector Package is the Biodiversity Fund – $946.2 million over six years in funding to restore, manage and enhance biodiverse carbon stores.
Mulgrave Landcare’s successful funding application is titled “ Corridor enhancement between sugar-cane lands, streams and the World Heritage areas in Mulgrave Catchment- Wet Tropics.”
The project involves biodiverse plantings on the Mulgrave River in larger degraded areas, riparian gaps & wetland fringes, complimented by control of threatening hymenachne and pond-apple populations.
Work will joint between 21 private landholders, and the Mulgrave Landcare Group which will use a combination of volunteer effort and a work/training unit composed of trained staff and indigenous and non indigenous youth, to complete the project over 6 years.
“Increasing Community Participation in River Restoration and Sustainable Sugar Farming Systems in the Mulgrave Catchment”
A Community Action Grant funded by the Australian Govt.
This grant is being used to continue our core business of having volunteers assist in weed control and revegetation of our catchments waterways and wetlands as well as continuing an existing project, centred on specialist implements constructed by Mulgrave Landcare that assists canegrowers with the adoption of low-impact, cane-fallow practices.
“Mulgrave River, Reach 3.2 Erosion Control Project”
RR4 funding administered by Terrain NRM
2012’s RR4 waterways project involves stage 1 of a 2 stage rehabilitation project on a sandy, flood prone and difficult site on adjoining properties, identified in the Mulgrave River Management Action Plan as a priority.
Stage 1 involves the tree planting of 5,000 suitable and hardy native tree species on the relatively stable sections of bank that, in stage 2, will be protected by rock work placed at the base of the unstable banks which sit in front of the tree planting sections.
Site prep due to begin in May.
“‘Key-line’ planting for cost-effective enhancement of the Mulgrave River Priority Connectivity Corridor”
The project area is identified as a priority corridor in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area mapping and involves the ‘key-line’ planting of fifteen small un-vegetated gaps along the Mulgrave River, adding up to 1km of river length.
‘Key-line’ (single line), planting is an innovative approach to revegetation and involves planting a single line of the toughest, shadiest and fastest growing species so that over time they will provide a ‘key-line’ of large, shading trees that will reduce weed competition and provide natural recruitment along that line. If further funding becomes available, that line can be enhanced to any density. If not, the ‘keyline’ will continue to provide a slow, steady and very cheap base for natural revegetation over time.
Site preparation will begin after the 2012 wet season with tree planting from May to July.
“Protection of an ecological and educational resource – Greenpatch, Gordonvale”.
A Community Action Grant funded by the Australian Govt.
To protect the environmental/educational value of this area, this project involves replacing the existing bollards at Greenpatch with heavy rock in order to maintain the integrity of the site by restricting vehicular access to the sensitive, erosion-prone river bank area. Restoration work will include river bank repair, weed control and tree planting to enhance the existing biodiversity corridors.
Ongoing Projects
Past Tree-plantings Maintenance.
As we plant between 3,000-13,000 seedlings a year and graduated maintenance on those seedlings is required for up to 5 years, the maintenance load continually accumulates. We currently have 28,000 trees needing some maintenance in 2012.
Gordonvale Primary School Excelsior Program.
Our partnership with the school will be expanding in 2012 due to the school receiving a NAB Schools First Local Impact Award for “outstanding performance in establishing school and community partnerships”. The Gordonvale High School will be joining the effort this year.
Cairns Regional Council generously provides annual funding that assists with essential equipment and tree maintenance as well as a further 3,000 native seedlings which we use to service requests for revegetation that are not covered by specific grants.