Mulgrave Landcare Past Projects
2017 – 2018 Projects
Stockland Care Grant – McDonnell Creek State School Bush Tucker, Bird and Butterfly Garden
Qld Government’s Community – Sustainability Action Grant – Figtree Corridor
Terrain NRM Community Grant – Hemming’s Creek project. A partnership project between Terrain NRM, Dulabed Malanbarra Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation and Gordonvale State School. Restoring a weedy drain into a creek for residents to enjoy.
2013/16 PROJECT
“Biodiversity Fund”
Yes! We got it!
Under the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Future plan, approximately $1.7 billion of revenue raised by the carbon price will be reinvested in the land sector over the next six years.
One element of the Land Sector Package is the Biodiversity Fund – $946.2 million over six years in funding to restore, manage and enhance biodiverse carbon stores.
Mulgrave Landcare’s successful funding application is titled “ Corridor enhancement between sugar-cane lands, streams and the World Heritage areas in Mulgrave Catchment - Wet Tropics.”
The project involves biodiverse plantings on the Mulgrave River in larger degraded areas, riparian gaps & wetland fringes, complimented by control of threatening hymenachne and pond-apple populations.
Work will be joint between 21 private landholders, and the Mulgrave Landcare Group which will use a combination of volunteer effort and a work/training unit composed of trained staff and indigenous and non-indigenous youth, to complete the project over 6 years.
The specifically funded projects highlighted below, represent nearly 65,000 native trees planted & maintained and $850,000 spent on on-ground works, including sustainable agriculture, in the eight years of funded projects from 2003-2011.
Many small, unfunded projects are not included.
Project “Super-Wet Belt Farm Runoff Control Project”
Description Funded by the Australian Government through the ‘Reef Rescue Program’ administered by Terrain NRM Ltd.
A degraded creek was cleaned, re-shaped and revegetated to restore natural creek values. Two sediment traps were installed and gaps in the tree line of the Mulgrave River were revegetated. Rock and revegetated break-over points were constructed to prevent concentrated erosion.
Results 3,000 seedlings planted, 1.2km of creek bank restored and 1.1km of Mulgrave River riparian zone enhanced.
Project “Mulgrave Youth Landcare Awareness”
Description A Natural Resource Awareness Grant funded by Qld’s Dept Environment & Resource Management.
A number of tree plantings took place at ‘Greenpatch’ involving students in Landcare activities. Students from the local high school produced youth-orientated signage that highlights the natural, community and indigenous values of this special place.
Results 600 seedlings planted during 4 landcare awareness days, engaging 180 volunteers including 135 students. Consultation with indigenous elders and students produced a educational Caring for Country sign.
Project DMR
Description The Dept of Main Roads funded revegetation, weed control and river restoration at ‘Greenpatch’ on the Mulgrave River Gordonvale to compensate for loss of vegetation resulting from construction of the new high level bridge in 2009-10.
Results 6000 seedlings planted, (90+% survival), 3ha controlled for weeds incl African tulip, and the river esplanade restored.
Project Reef Rescue 2
Description New revegetation and maintenance of Reef Rescue- 1 planting on 1.5Km of the Mulgrave River below ‘Sues Bridge’.
Results 3000 seedlings planted (90+% survival), 6ha of the previously weed-controlled and revegetated area maintained.
Project Reef Rescue 1
Description A 1.5 km stretch of Mulgrave River frontage downstream of ‘Sues Bridge’ was cleared of general weeds and dense stands of the pest cucumber tree (Parmentiera aculeata) and revegetated with local, native tree species.
Control of the tree pest, Pondapple and maintenance of past revegetation was continued on the Lower Mulgrave Wetlands.
Results 6 ha of weeds and pest trees controlled, 10,000 seedlings planted (90+% survival) and maintained,
2ha of pondapple controlled.
Project Coastal Wetlands Protection, Waterways & Wetlands Rehabilitation
Description The Lower Mulgrave Wetlands, at risk from sedimentation, invasion of weeds and weed trees as well as fringe fragmentation, were targeted for weed control (particularly the giant elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), fringe revegetation and control of the pest weed-tree, Pondapple (Annona glabra). Specifically targeted were Galletts, Rodman’s, Tanners & Rego’s Lagoons.
Results 6km of wetland fringe cleared of Pondapple, Elephant grass & general weeds and 4000 seedlings planted & maintained. 50% seedling survival due to large & regular floods.
Project Private Land Contract
Description A native-species corridor was planted along a freehold property boundary as a privately funded contract.
Results 600 seedlings planted & maintained for 2 yrs.
93% survival.
Project Waterway Debris Removal -Revegetation
Description After cyclone Larry in 2006, the Dept Natural Resources funded the clearing of debris that had accumulated in waterways and follow-up revegetation.
Results 5,000 seedlings planted & maintained for 3yrs.
75% survival due to large & regular flooding at Fishery Creek.
Project GBR Coastal Wetlands Protection – Pilot Program
Description A multi-yr project. All of the wetlands in the Mulgrave & Russell catchments were identified and mapped. Large-scale river & wetland restoration works were carried out on two cane farms with high wetland values in the Russell area.
Results All wetlands mapped. Works in Russell Catchment – 3400 seedlings planted. 2.5km of river bank enhanced. 10ha of Pond Apple and Hymenachne controlled.
Project CRIT Contract
Description Cairns River Improvement Trust contracted Mulgrave Landcare to revegetate flood-damaged sites, repaired with rock-work, in the Mulgrave & Russell catchments.
Results 800 seedlings planted & maintained.
Project Greenpatch Restoration
Description Continuing weed control & revegetation at ‘Greenpatch’, Mulgrave River, Gordonvale.
Results 1,000 seedlings re-planted. ‘Flood-paths’ maintained.
Project Agricultural Best Management Practices in Sugar Cane Lands
Description A multi-yr project, 2005-08.
The absence of innovative machinery was identified as the reason for low adoption new fallow-management practices on sugar farms. A zonal-tillage implement, a direct-drill legume planter and a variable-rate fertilizer applicator were designed, constructed and trialled by Mulgrave Landcare and demonstrated on farms from Mossman to Ingham. Farm-forestry plantings and waterway revegetation were also promoted and assisted.
Results 3agri-implements constructed.
500 farmers trialled equipment or attended demos.
400ha of sugar land now using 1 or more of these practices.
5000 native timber species planted.
Project Greenpatch Restoration Project
Description A multi-yr project. The ‘Greenpatch’ recreational area on the Mulgrave River floodplain at Gordonvale was once fully forested but was cleared in the 1960’s. It reverted to a green but weedy and degraded wasteland. Local partners assisted in weed control and revegetation.
Results 3ha of weed control, incl the pest weed tree Parmentiera actualata.
3,000 seedlings planted. 70% survival due to numerous floods.
Project Envirofund 3
Description Sediment trapping and waterway revegetation were conducted as demonstration to landholders in the “Mulgrave Farming for the Future’ group.
Results 2 in-stream sediments traps constructed. 2000 seedlings planted and maintained.
Project Envirofund 2
Description 12 landowners were assisted in revegetation of watercourses on their property. Reprofiling of degraded creek banks by excavator where necessary.
Results 7,000 seedlings planted & maintained.
80% long-term survival.
Project Envirofund 1
Description 16 landowners were assisted in revegetation of watercourses on or adjacent to their property. Reprofiling of degraded creek banks by excavator where necessary.
Results 9,000 seedlings planted & maintained.
70% long-term survival.
Project Greenpatch river-bank repair
Description An eroded section of river-bank at Greenpatch which had lost the last of its natural vegetation in the severe floods of 2000 was re-profiled, repaired with rock-work and revegetated with local native species.
Results 100m river bank repaired. 1000 seedlings planted, replanted after floods & maintained. Long-term survival 85%