Mulgrave Landcare & Catchment Group Inc. is a community driven environmental organisation based in Gordonvale, North Queensland.
History of Mulgrave Landcare
The Mulgrave Catchment and Us…
The Catchment is small (810 km2), but very wet. The Mulgrave River has an average annual discharge of 770,000ML. This volume of water, concentrated in the wet-season and confined to the short and very narrow floodplain, results in severe annual floods. These floods give the area many of its challenges for land use, but are also the basis of the valley’s beauty and biodiversity.
Approximately 66% of the catchment is natural forest, most of which is protected by World Heritage Estate. The main urban centre is Gordonvale which is expanding rapidly as is the neighboring Cairns City area. The predominant private land-use is sugar-cane, with some bananas, and cattle.
Mulgrave Landcare’s priority activities are:
Riparian and Wetland Restoration
Sustainable and Profitable Agriculture
Water Quality
Community Engagement and Partnerships
Emerging Issues
The Landcare group meets monthly at the Catchment Centre, 98a Norman St, Gordonvale, on the 4th Tuesday of each Month at 7.00pm. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Please see the Issues: Mulgrave Aquifer page for our current major issue.
Mulgrave Landcare Committee
Chairperson – Belinda Billing
Vice Chairperson – Nara Crotty
Treasurer – Will Higham
Secretary – Will Higham
Extraordinary Members - Clive Murray, Lynda Gregg
Coordinator – Rachel Platte
Assistant Coordinator - Tammy Irvine
Nursery & Community Coordinator – Alicia Maybir
Field Officer - Russell Wild